

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Organised v Messy

Walking past a bookshop yesterday I spotted this book in the window:
"A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder-How Crammed Closets, Cluttered Offices, and on-the-fly Planning Make the World a Better Place"
It's a question I've been grappling with for a while! I'm an extremely organised person. Recently, I've been organised to a point of annoyance! All the pens in my house were (a bit of an extreme example for the sake of highlighting the point) in a jar on the hall table. If I found a pen floating around, I'd bring it to the hall and place it in the jar. But what happens when I'm on the phone and need to scribble a message; a quick glance around the room searching for the stray pen that has inevitably been left around will not result in finding a pen - I need to traipse out to the hallway. And while I am guaranteed to find a pen, the trek can be annoying. I have solved this problem by placing pen containers in most rooms in the house!!! The pens are still tidied away and easy to find and more readily accessible.
Also, when being tidy, one is more unlikely to come across things/ to happen upon stuff.
At any rate, I'd be curious to know what these author (Abrahamson & Freedman) purport the advantages of a mess are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roisin, I too have pen containers in 2 rooms of the house, could do with a 3rd, when I find a nice-enough container to house them.